Dolor Tristique

Allison Tomotsugu
Teacher/Teacher Trainer
Allison is a shape maker born and raised in the GTA. She has a disciplined yoga practice and expects the same from her students. She believes that our commitment to practice yoga asana in an intelligent and intentional way is an integral part of living your yoga in daily life. Her teachings convey a deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology coupled with a reflection of her own ever evolving practice. Drawing on her studies in Ashtanga, Anusara, Vinyasa and the Budokon Arts, Allison’s classes invite her students to thoughtfully rewire the way we think about movement and how interconnected it is with everything we do. She whole heartedly believes that if we move with integrity on the mat it will bleed out into how we participate in our whole life. A blend of traditional postures, circular movements and slow-mo transitions are seamlessly woven together to some good tunes to create a moving meditation in her class. Married to fellow yogi and her best friend, Allison and her hubby Kieran vinyasa through life side by side. She is a proud mama bear to 2 year old twin boys and a 5 year old fur baby. Her twin boys are her latest inspirations when it comes to practicing new ways to locomote and her latest challenge when it comes to integrating the 8 limbed yoga philosophy into her daily life. When Allison’s not playing on her mat she’ll be with her family, refereeing a game of hide and seek or exploring the beautiful outdoor landscapes of the Ottawa Valley.