Pat Lafreniere

Pat Lafreniere is a familiar face in our community who has always been physically active indoors and out.  Her favorite place is anywhere people are gathered to sweat, breathe and move.

Pat began her practice quite accidently during a time of stress.  It began when she signed up for a “relaxing” yoga class in Toronto to kill time while her husband was in the hospital.  She soon realized it was much more physically and spiritually engaging than she first thought.

Pat strives to ensure that yoga is accessible to all so that they can experience the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of the practice.  Pat’s goal is to help others to find this release so that they can comfortably and competently move their bodies through life.

Pat graduated from her 200 hour training at White Pine Yoga and has since began teaching yoga to her friends on the beach and facilitating gentle yoga on Your TV as a volunteer.  Pat weaves mediation components with movement to leave you feeling refreshed, nourished and balanced.

Outside of teaching, Pat enjoys curling, camping, long walks and keeps busy with her family.